7 Excellent HTML5 Tools And Resources

There are many tools and resources out there for designers and developers, but getting by free and good ones is not that easy. That is why I am sharing 7 Excellent HTML5 Tools And Resources. Read each entry in the list and see which one suits your needs best.

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Heartcode CanvasLoader Creator

7 Excellent HTML5 Tools And Resources 1

The Heartcode CanvasLoader Creator is a free online tool which you can use to generate scripted preloaders (spinners or throbblers) for your HTML projects. The Creator is using the CanvasLoader UI Library.

Html5 File Upload with Progress

7 Excellent HTML5 Tools And Resources 2

Html5 finally solves an age old problem of being able to upload files while also showing the upload progress.

Making a Beautiful HTML5 Portfolio

7 Excellent HTML5 Tools And Resources 3

In this tutorial, you will be making a beautiful HTML5 portfolio powered by jQuery and the Quicksand plugin. You can use it to showcase your latest work and it is fully customizable, so potentially you could expand it to do much more.


Create a Stylish Contact Form with HTML5 & CSS3

7 Excellent HTML5 Tools And Resources 4

Here is a step by step process to create your own stylish contact form completely out of HTML5 and CSS3.

Periodic Table of the HTML5 Elements

7 Excellent HTML5 Tools And Resources 5

The table here shows the 106 elements currently in the HTML5 working draft and two proposed elements.

Interactive Typography Effects with HTML5

7 Excellent HTML5 Tools And Resources 6

This tutorial outlines what is really just the tip of the iceberg that is interactive design. It will go over the development of dynamic, and generative banners to give your website that little extra wow.

JavaScript Mobile Framework for HTML5 Web Apps

7 Excellent HTML5 Tools And Resources 7

DHTMLX Touch is a free open source JavaScript library for building HTML5-based mobile web apps. It’s not just a set of UI widgets, but a complete framework that allows you to create eye-catching, robust web applications that run on iOS, Android, and other mobile platforms.

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