Going green can have a euphorically contagious effect! Adapting green habits is good for the environment, but who knew it can get us great deals too. Here are some great environmental benefits for every ton of paper that is recycled.
- 7,000 gallons of water is conserved
- 380 gallons of oil is saved
- And we save enough electricity to power an average house for six months.
SmashingApps and Filebanker are teaming up to do their part for the environment. Average American consumes more than 700 pounds of paper per year, highest compared to anywhere else in the world. Hundreds of thousands of trees are cut down per day to support the consumption of paper that can be easily avoided.
—————————–Recommendations; Please continue reading below——————————
ASUS Chromebook C223 11.6″ HD Laptop Shop Now
This Asus HD Laptop is an amazon’s choice for ‘chrome computer laptop’ is reviewed by 980+ reviewers that is available at only $249.99. It is ready for productivity and performance while being on the go or travelling, with speedy performance, robust security, and convenience for the user. This laptop has Lightweight 2.2 pound body and with thin and premium metallic finish for a sleek appearance having 11.6 inch HD 1366×768 Anti-Glare Display. The machine is powered by the Intel Celeron N3350 Processor (2M Cache, up to 2.4GHz) for fast and snappy performance including 4 GB DDR3 RAM; 32GB eMMC hard drive; No CD or DVD drive with it. Learn more about this product >>>
SmashingApps believes that we can change that by helping people save and share their documents electronically instead of printing them out each time. We do not want you to print so much so we are offering 250 GB file hosting accounts for free at FileDropper. You can use these accounts to share all your documents without ever having to print anything.
All you have to do to get your free 250 GB file hosting accounts is to make a pledge about going green. When doing your pledge please post a link to this post. You can make a pledge in any of the following ways…
Post it on Twitter, post it on your blog, or post a video of it on YouTube, or create a picture and post it on Flickr. You can make your promise anyway you like as long as we can verify it and don’t forget to follow us on twitter.
Once you have made the pledge post the link to your promise in the comments below and sign up for your free file hosting account using this form you will need to enter “smashingapps” in the special code field. The last date to create your free account will be Friday, January 30, 2009.
Here are some sample promises you can post on twitter
* I promise to send documents online rather than printing them. Do you?
* I promise to buy recycled paper if printing is really necessary. Do you?
* I promise to avoid miss-printing and if happens I will keep that pages for rough drafts, Do you?
* I promise to start using double sided printing. Do you?
My Promise
I promise to buy recycled paper if printing is really necessary. Do you? https://twitter.com/SmashingApps/status/1135693722
Do you want to be the first one to know the latest happenings at SmashingApps.com just subscribe to our rss feed and you can follow us on twitter as well.
If you have any product/service that you want to unlimited giveaway at SmashingApps, we welcome you. You can contact us.
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