We are always in the search of great free resources, tips and tricks, etc for our readers. Every day, we work hard to find new resources and show them here for you. Today, we are starting another great section Discover The Best Of The Web on SmashingApps.com. In this, we will find and make a list for the best of the web for the whole month. Maybe, we cannot cover all of the best from around the web but we will try our best to cover as much as possible.
You are welcome to share if you know more best of the web in the month of august which our readers/viewers may like.
—————-Recommendations, Please continue reading below—————-
Highly rated daily-life products at low prices Shop Now
From bedding to office furniture and supplies, from kitchen accessories to health & fitness, from storage to travel bags, the amazon basics provides hundreds of daily use products at amazingly low prices with having highly rated consumers feedback. Click here to learn more >>>
Design Tips, Tricks and Tutorial
Design a Detailed Compass Icon in Photoshop
40 Photoshop Tutorials On Rain Showers and Water Drops
50+ Great Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials, Part II
31 Breathtaking Planet & Space Tutorials For Photoshop
Creating a Cartoon Hot Air Balloon Scene
Artwork, Digital Photography and Inspiration
40 Creative Design Layouts: Getting Out Of The Box
100 Nice and Beautiful Blog Design
25 Beautiful Examples Of Macro Photography
Javascript and Ajax
jQuery and JavaScript Coding: Examples and Best Practices
Javascript in Modern Web Design
CSS Typography: Contrast Techniques, Tutorials and Best Practices
40+ Beautiful Icon Sets Hand-picked from deviantART- Part 2
Monitor Website Up / Downtime: 30+ Free Web Services and Tools
Designer´s Toolbox : 15+ Time Saving Tools- What´s your Secret?
20 Useful Web Applications For Firefox Sidebar
Miscellaneous Articles
20 Creative and Inspiring Free Design Magazines
40 Brilliant Mid + Hi-Res Wallpapers for Photoshop Lovers
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